The highest quality natural remedies, essential oil blends and skincare products.

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250ml 天然護髮乳

AUD20.00 单价

Natural Conditioner for humans & animals made from Oreganum Vulgare, Tea Tree, Lavender, Sandalwood and Thyme formulated specially to utilise their amazing restorative and conditioning properties.

Elke’s Natural Conditioner is made using beautiful essential oils with qualities that assist in protecting, nourishing and enriching the hair and scalp quality.

Tea tree and Oil of Oregano have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties; they are also beneficial for sensitive skin conditions, for treating dandruff and treating dry scalp. Sandalwood helps increase and restore hair's ability to retain moisture, thereby making it soft and luxurious. Thyme has anti-septic qualities, stimulates blood flow, and invigorates the scalp. Lavender is useful for treating itchiness and dandruff, and helps balance natural scalp oils. It soothes the scalp and calms hair, as well as promoting hair growth.

All liquid products should be shaken well before use as essential oils can settle.

Elke's Natural Shampoo & Conditioner | This product is made from Tea tree and Oil of Oregano with other essential oils (Sandalwood, Lavender & Thyme).

Download Shampoo & Conditioner Factsheet

  • 消費者反饋

    “今天我試着把艾爾琪藥膏塗抹在被蒸汽灼傷的手臂和手上。哇塞! 疼痛和紅腫几乎立即消失! 现在感觉好像我從没有被蒸汽灼傷過....真是棒呆了!”

    - Tracey Huenerberg
  • 消費者反饋

    "我的天,艾爾琪!妳真是讓我驚嘆不已啊! 昨天我的肩膀和手臂還疼痛難忍,無法動彈,只塗抹了一次妳的抗炎精油,肩膀臂膊的自由活動就恢復到95%而不感到一點點的疼痛與不適。"

    - John Potts